Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New Dreams

Welcome to post one of my new blog, Science Beans! I figured since I am participating in the TPT Seller Challenge hosted by a few other bloggers and I wanted to start an education blog, I feel that my first post should be about the "Dare to Dream" challenge 2. Here are my goals for the future:

Inspire other teachers: I am still considered a newbie in the teaching profession. In my 3 years of teaching (now going into my 4th) I've come across some veteran teachers who are amazing, and some who are uninterested in anything that relates to new strategies. I like being able to try new things in the classroom to keep everyone interested (including myself). I hope I can inspire my colleagues to want to try new resources or technology and feel excited about teaching again!

Start a blog: I have been wanting to start a blog about teaching and all the stuff I have been using in my classroom. There is only so much I can share with my husband before he goes insane! So here is to the beginning of my new blog.

Promote my store & create more resources: I created my TPT store in the summer of 2014 but I had been using it since 2013 when I started teaching. I noticed there were very few resources for  middle and high school science. So I decided that I wanted to share all of my own classroom goodies with other teachers. I hope to continue to add products to the store!

Inspire kids to love science & the environment: When I started teaching a few years ago, a lot of my students would come to me with their minds made up that they hated science. They felt there was no way I could change that, but I did! Showing them how excited and passionate I was about science and the environment made them want to know more. I hope I can continue to that in the classroom and beyond. 

Start a family: I am a newly wed (6 months in!) and I would love to start a family soon! I know people have their opinions "you should wait!" , "don't wait too long!", but I would love to have a little one running around :)  


  1. You are a teacher after my own heart! I love science and instilling the love of science in my first graders is a top priority. As far as when to start a family-you'll know when it's right. I loved reading about your TPT dreams. Good luck to you!

    Look Who’s in First Grade

    1. thank you! I am loving your blog! I used to work at an after school care program with first grade students and I ran a Science club. They would tell me it was the best part of their day :) made me happy to get kids to love science. thanks for the comment!

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog! After reading about your goals, we have a lot in common! I definitely resonate with what you said about some veteran teachers being interested in new ideas, but other veteran teachers who are uninterested in new strategies. Also, I've been teaching for three years as well :) Congrats on starting your blog! Best wishes!

    1. thank you! let's keep each other posted on some positive strategies to get our colleagues excited again :) I can use the help and some fresh ideas
